The Travel category includes: accommodation, diaries, guides and directories, flights, preparation, publications, specialty travel, theme parks, tour operators, transport, travel agents, and visas.

Featured Travel Websites
Kalahari Resorts
Chain of African-themed resorts and indoor waterparks. Kalahari has locations in Wisconsin, Ohio and Virginia. The website includes rooms and suites availability checker, driving directions, waterpark information, upcoming events, and an amenities and dining directory.
Student Cities Australia
Want to know the best cities for being a university student in Australia? Then look no further than Student Cities Australia. Find out what makes Melbourne different (and, arguably, better) than Sydney. Also features great study destinations such as Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Hobart.
Travel information and deals. Travelocity has ideas and offerings for travelers around the world. Services include vacation packages, hotels, cars, flights, cruises, things to do, and travel deals.